Saturday, October 17, 2020

10/17 Off-Roading on Cottonwood Pass in Goodsprings, NV

Our friend Alex reached out to us to invite us to do a little hiking, some lunch and then some off-roading on the way back. In my opinion, Alex didn't want to get lost and needed someone with good navigation skills to guide him home but that's not relevant. Anyways, Eric and I met up with Alex, Erin and Koa at 8:30am Saturday morning in Goodsprings, Nevada just southwest of Las Vegas. The plan was to do a short hike, then stop at Pioneer Saloon for lunch (a place that had been on my bucket list for awhile) and then drive through desert north until the trail met up with Blue Diamond. 

Alex, of course, rolled up a few minutes late and Koa was excited to see me as always! After we said our hellos, we headed up the trail. The hiking trail ended up being a short trail that went up and down a few times. It was a good warm up to get our appetites going before we drove a few blocks over to the Pioneer Saloon. I wanted to get the drone out and practice with it a little bit so I took a few videos and flew over our group for a different perspective. 

Then, we went to Pioneer Saloon and walked in the wrong entrance which earned us a lot of weird looks from the local folk. It was pretty unique since anyone could purchase their own whiskey/bourbon barrel, name it and put it on their shelf. They had over 100 barrels that are individually named and owned. The bar became famous in the 40's when a famous actress crashed into a mountain and her husband waited at this bar for days while rescuers searched for her body. Unfortunately, the aircraft was destroyed and there were no survivors. Rumor has it there is a hiking trail to view the wreckage, maybe one day I'll find myself up there to check it out! 

After lunch, we packed up, aired down and headed up Cottonwood pass towards Blue Diamond. It was a pretty slow and bumpy dirt road but we came across a creepy A-pillar cabin. Unfortunately, we did not know the backstory of the cabin and definitely felt that going inside said cabin would have been a bad idea so we admired from the outside! 

After the creepy cabin, we continued traveling towards Blue Diamond. The road was very scenic as we drove closer and closer towards Red Rock. We even came across a small hill that provided us with a very nice overlook. I of course had to grab a quick photo! After the overlook, it was just a short drive back to the highway. We aired up, said our goodbyes after a pleasant day and headed for home anticipating the next adventure wherever that might be! 


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